Distributed Systems Group
Graduate School of Social Data Science
Hitotsubashi University

Distributed Systems Group is working on techniques for cooperation among many & various computers.

Keywords: Decentralized Systems, IoT Systems, Blockchain/Distributed Ledger, Publish-Subscribe Messaging, etc.


2024/7/22 Our paper below has been accepted in IEEE WF-IoT 2024.
Yoshito Watanabe, Ryohei Banno, Takashi Miki, “Decentralized Mobile Robot Collaboration in Multi-Vendor Contexts: Service Robot Crowdsourcing via Distributed Ledger Technology”.
2024/7/11 Dr. Banno gave a guest lecture at the Graduate School of Global Informatics, Chuo University.
2024/4/1 Our research group has moved to the Graduate School of Social Data Science, Hitotsubashi University.
2023/7/14 Our papers below have been accepted in IEEE TENCON 2023.
“BERT-based Classification of Four Major Dementias using Twitter Text Data”
“A Comparative Study of Estimation of Video Viewer Emotion Using YouTube Video Comments”
“A Method of Distributing Clients to MQTT brokers Using Server Redirection”
2023/6/28 Dr. Banno received a Certificate of Appreciation in IEEE COMPSAC 2023.

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